0% Finance Option

Use Payment Assist to split your accident repair or car service bill into easy monthly chunks, interest-free and hassle-free.

Payment Assist 0% Finance Vehicle repair


Payment Assist 0% Finance Vehicle repair

Unexpected repair work can make a dent in your finances, sometimes meaning that critical work needed to keep your vehicle roadworthy is put off until you can afford the extra cost. 

Ask to pay for your car service or body repair with Payment Assist. Look after your car and your bank balance with interest free payments at Clarke & Evans Perry Barr, Birmingham.

Payment Assist is a great way of getting back on track when dealing with a large repair bill. Maintain peace of mind when paying for repairs, planned or unexpected. Spread the cost over easy monthly instalments, interest-free. Then relax, safe in the knowledge that you’ve given your car the love it deserves, without breaking the bank. 

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